Energetic Hygiene Bootcamp

28 Days to

  • manage work and social events without needing to take a “sick day” afterward *cough cough*

  • set boundaries, manage energy, and deal with intense emotions (in a way that actually supports your life)

  • interact more comfortably with others and develop an alliance with your body-mind-spirit

Hey, I’m Adrenna.

I’m a trained somatic therapist and shamanic teacher who specializes in working with empaths, psychics, and sensitives.

For over a decade, I've cultivated the most valuable resources so you can alchemize your abilities into pure gold.

Trust me, even the most intangible gifts can be transformed!

Consider this your virtual trust fall.

I got you.

P.S. - If you need more support with managing your empathic or psychic abilities, then head over to my YouTube channel where I drop weekly videos on spiritual healing, spiritual development, and trauma healing curated specifically for empaths, sensitives, and psychics.