Are you an empath, psychic, or sensitive struggling to navigate the demands of an insensitive world?

Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or drained because of your heightened sensitivity?


Self-Paced Grounding Course

a 4-week online course so you can stop absorbing the energy of others and finally take care of yourself.

redhead woman wearing long sleeve green dress feeling peaceful and the feeling of oneness in the woods of Anacortes, Washington the woman is grounded

Grounding Course for Psychics, Empaths, and Sensitives

This course is designed to help you feel confident and empowered in your interactions with others without feeling drained or overwhelmed by their energy. You'll experience less anxiety or stress overall, as you can better manage your emotions and stay centered in challenging situations. You'll also have a clear sense of your own boundaries, and the ability to assert them with confidence.

spiritual healer places amethyst crystal on women's forehead with mermaid hair

4-Week Online Course

A comprehensive, step-by-step guide course, allowing you to access a deeper level of spiritual growth that nourishes your nervous system-with confidence and support.

By the end of the course, you’ll walk away knowing:

✔ How to Know when you’re grounded…and how to know when you’re not

✔ Discovering the Importance of your Energetic and Emotional baseline

✔ Ways to Stay Grounded Throughout the Day

✔ Grounding Tips For Success (and make you feel like you aren't wasting your time)

✔ Myths about Grounding

✔ How To Stop Absorbing Other People’s Emotions And Energy

✔ Animistic Approach to Grounding

✔ How to Strengthen Your Nervous System

You also receive:

✔ Wheel of Life Workbook

✔Downloadable Audio Meditations


30 Days of Spiritual Support

As a lifelong student, you’re used to reading books and figuring out how to DIY your healing journey. (a woman after my own heart!) but somewhere along the way, a familiar pattern of stuckness appears. You make progress and you’re out there strutting like Beyonce in Coachella-feelin’ like you have your shit figured out—then….


Life. Your car needs unexpected repairs. That sale that you were banking on didn’t go through. And you are one mental thread away from losing it when your kids ask you for a snack-for the sixth time in one hour.

Let’s normalize hitting a wall or noticing your perfectionistic tendencies preventing you from moving forward.

Self—paced courses are wonderful when there is a structure of support holding it all together. But without expert support + guidance, you’re going to continue finding yourself in the same DIY course graveyard. (RIP)

You’re getting stuck and can’t move forward because you aren’t supposed to go through this journey alone. (it’s not that you don’t have to do this alone- the real truth is that you aren’t supposed to-we’ve just been taught independence is king) read that again.

As an educator with over 10+ years of experience, I know that most questions/concerns come up AFTER a course ends…you’ve finally learned the material, but now you’re supposed to integrate it, follow through, and figure it out all on your own?

I got you boo.

Adrenna Anzaldua is a psychic empath and sensitives. Adrenna is a shamanic spiritual healer who focuses on pragmatic spirituality and psychopomp

“I never want to experience this. EVER. again.”, I said to a spiritual practitioner who specialized in spiritual awakenings and spiritual crises.

This was 2016 and I didn’t think I was going to make it past my 29th birthday. I was recovering from a traumatic holotropic breathwork experience that left a wake of destruction.

I literally lost my mind.

The only way for me to be safe was to be admitted involuntarily to a psychiatric hospital as I was experiencing suicidal thoughts, psychosis, and delusions. On the floors of a Nashville state hospital, I was given the diagnosis of schizophrenia in addition to the already- known Complex PTSD. I almost died several times.

Almost like speaking to a child who walked across the street without looking first, the spiritual practitioner responded, “You have GOT to be grounded. If you don’t want to experience this again, you need the tools to manage your sensitivities. You need to stop focusing on anything spiritual and just focus on grounding for the next 6 months.”

And that’s exactly what I did.

It was this focus that changed my life and began to heal from a crisis that even my family feared I would not come back from. It was this path that led me to teach and offer a roadmap to others who may need a different approach to spiritual healing than the modalities they’re seeing on Instagram or hearing from their friends.

There is an easier way to heal.

What if I told you that you could...

Feel confident and empowered in your interactions with others without feeling drained or overwhelmed by their energy

Experience less anxiety or stress overall, as you can better manage your emotions and stay centered in challenging situations.

Stay focused and present in the moment, without getting distracted by external factors

Have a clear sense of your own boundaries, and the ability to assert them with confidence

Katie’s Transformation

from overwhelmed to connected

woman wearing flower dress and black hat on the beach is grounded and peaceful because of an online grounding course with adrenna Anzaldua the somatic spiritual healer

Finding Safety

“Before this course I felt a lot of resistance to grounding. Thinking of grounding made me nervous because I thought I just wasn't good at it. It turns out my body didn't feel safe grounding. This course helped my body feel more than safe grounding it let my body know that grounding always made me feel safer and more connected to an Earth I know loves and cares for me.”


Grounding made easy.

‘After the course, I feel like grounding became simple!! The course made it feel like the possibility to ground is everywhere and helped me do it on a deep level. This course helped me feel more connected to the Earth it helped me feel how the Earth cares for me. I know that when I need support in relationships I can draw strength from my relationship with the Earth.”

Grounding as a way of life.

“My biggest takeaway from this course I will ground everyday, even if it's just for 30 seconds. There is so much care available to us. Don't waste time not getting love and support from Mother Earth.

The meditations in this course are POWERFUL! You can FEEL them help you connect.”

You experience life differently.

Maybe the reason you can’t ground is because you haven’t been taught in a way that works for you.

Grounding isn’t a “one size fits all approach.”

This grounding course is designed specifically for empaths, psychics, sensitives and those who have experienced spiritual psychosis.

You’re over it:

✔You feel overwhelmed by the complexities of your spiritual journey and with a vast amount of information out there and you don’t know where to start

✔ You’re looking for a simple, yet powerful technique to anchor yourself and your connection to the earth but haven’t found one yet

✔ You’ve been walking around barefoot, hugging trees, and wishing for the best but you’re not getting the endorphins that everyone else is talking about

✔ You’ve heard the importance of grounding and understanding your energy body-you’re open to it, but have no idea where to begin

Have you been absorbing everyone’s energy and don’t know how to manage your own?

Side Effects of Grounding

Reduce Stress and Anxiety: Did you know that some of the stress and anxiety you’re feeling isn’t even yours?? Most people do not know that the emotions they are experiencing may not even be theirs in the first place. When we ground our bodies, we stop doing the heavy lifting for other people and can focus on your spiritual healing journey, and really,-you’re doing everyone a favor here.

Increase Energy Levels: No wonder you are exhausted, tired, and fed up! You’re trying to manage everyone else's energy through your energetic body, and now it’s confused. By grounding, our bodies don’t have to sort through everyone else’s, shit-which means we have more energy. More energy = spending your time doing things that create joy.

Strengthen Intuition: Stop questionning “is this intuition or fear?” When you’re grounded, you can easily discern if this is your gut…or if it’s anxiety.

Discover your spiritual purpose + Find the Right Path:

Collectively, we have been challenged to heal the “wounded healer” archetype and heal our past traumas to facilitate healing for our communities and the world.

Without being grounded, your spiritual path is muddied with society’s expectations. You will continue being pulled away until you establish a boundary and say, “No, my healing is important.”

Michele R.

"I wish I had found this course earlier! Your approach to grounding is truly unique and transformative, and the focus on the body is something I never knew I needed. It's completely changed my spiritual practice, and I am so grateful."

Adrenna Anzaldua | Somatic Shamanic Healing | online grounding course for empaths, sensitives, and psychics

Julianna S.

"I loved this course. I personally learn as a visual and auditory, so I LOVED the videos that you shared. It definitely felt like it was aligned with the timing of my life."

Jason L.

"The depth of knowledge you have on grounding and your passion for the subject is refreshing. I was blown away by how powerful the techniques are and how they have strengthened my spiritual journey. Highly recommend!"

grounding techniques for empaths, sensitives, and psychics | Adrenna Anzaldua | psychic medium somatic shamanic healer | seattle, washington

Kelsey K

“This course enabled me to be a stronger and more effective empath-to be able to utilize my gifts instead of fearing them or keeping them dialed down to protect myself. With the tools provided in this course, I feel like I am much more empowered and capable and less afraid.”

courses for empaths | online grounding course for empaths | grounding for empaths | Adrenna Anzaldua | psychic medium | somatic shamanic healer

Teresa M.

"During this course, I very quickly learned that I needed to learn more about managing that ability so that it is a bigger asset to me and not a detriment (as it has sometimes been in the past)."

Our work together is rooted in:

✔ Moving at the unique pace of your own nervous system.

A lot of people struggle to ground properly because of traumatic experiences (most likely in childhood). The goal of this course is not to blast your nervous system into oblivion and leave another wake of destruction. As a trauma-trained spiritual counselor, this course is designed and taught in a way that your brain, nervous system, and energetic body can mange, accept and evolve safely.

Co-creation in a collaborative environment.

You’re not a kid-so I won’t treat you like one. In a collaborative environment, you’ll begin to trust your inner wisdom and begin to develop a healthy relationship with yourself. A lot of spiritual teachers struggle with a guru or power complex. (psss-I don’t want your power!) My goal as a spiritual teacher is to help you cultivate yours so you can become the evolved kick-ass spiritual human you’re supposed to be in this lifetime!

Pragmatic + digestible spiritual teachings.

Think of this like a prerequisite course you’d take at Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry (or elementary school for the muggles). While the concept of grounding may seem arbitrary and elementary to some, it is the truly awakened that understand without grounding, your spiritual efforts and practices will be watered down, filtered through + half-assed (respectfully)

With this Grounding Course, you will:

red headed woman with long hair is an animist who is exploring the forest lands of Anacortes Washington for land healing as a shamanic practitioner

Feel confident and empowered

This course will teach you the tools you need to interact with others without feeling drained or overwhelmed by their energy

You don’t have to put up a spiritual shield or a bubble to protect you, grounding is your biggest ally on the spiritual path.

animist spiritual healer red headed woman is in the forest lands of Anacortes Washington and working as a shamanic practitioner to heal the land and psychopomp spirits

Manage Your Energy

Grounding can help these individuals develop a greater sense of awareness and control over their own energy. You will learn how to manage your own energy—and work with external energies without being overwhelmed.

Grounding is the first step to managing psychic and empathic gifts

red headed animist woman wearing a green dress in the forest of Anacortes Washington

Stay focused and present in the moment

No one likes walking through the world disassociated and out of their bodies, but most of us don’t even know what it feels like to be inside of our bodies and embody our humanness.

A benefit of grounding is that we mindfully experience our life and the beauty within it.

This course will teach you how to thrive as an empath, psychic, or sensitive.

Unlike traditional grounding courses that focus on meditations and visualizations, this step by step guide dives into the core of bodily and somatic practices to help you master the essential elements of grounding.

At the end of this course, you will walk away with the tools necessary to ground your energy, release negative emotions, and strengthen your intuitive abilities-with confidence.

Grounding is a natural part of the human process.

But that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

This videos discusses the challenges of grounding specifically through an emotional trigger or PTD trigger, why grounding isn’t easy and how to find stability as a psychic, empath or sensitive.

Teresa’s Transformation

from struggling empath to creative artist

woman wearing flower dress and black hat on the beach is grounded and peaceful because of an online grounding course with adrenna Anzaldua the somatic spiritual healer


“I have always known I am an empath but only came into a bigger understanding of that in my more recent adult years---during this course I very quickly learned that I needed to learn more about managing that ability so that it is a bigger asset to me and not a detriment (as it has sometimes been in the past). Before the grounding course, I felt as if I definitely had room to learn more about being an empath and managing my energy (and external energies) and I was excited to expand and support any information I already had.”


Manage Energy and Gifts

“ My biggest takeaway from the course is the ability to recognize when I am too open and over absorbing other energies and how to address that with grounding very quickly and effectively. I can say that I have developed a better understanding of how the Universe/Spirit can speak to and guide you if you are open to learning and listening.”

Easy to Understand

“I liked the length of the course; it packed a lot of information into small sections that were easy to "digest" and incorporate into my routine without making me feel like I had too much on my plate. I was able to pay attention and truly benefit from the information. I felt that my process during this course had the extra benefit of helping me assess my healing journey with a broader view, which perpetuated some further understanding. I definitely credit that to this process of learning.”

Juliana’s Story

from distracted and spacey to present and grounded

mystic woman with headband on stands in front of a table preparing for an energetic reading

Reconnected to Self

“Before the grounding course I had forgotten what grounding felt like. I was easily distracted. I felt spacey throughout the day. I was really forgetful and as much as I thought I was present…I wasn’t.

This course changed my relationship with myself because I am more aware of when I’m not grounded and not fully present. It has also helped me to be more present and a better listener with others.”

brunette with red lipstick takes a selfie and is grounded peaceful and calm because of adrenna Anzaldua's online grounding course for psychics, empaths, and sensitives

Stay Grounded

“After the grounding course, I can stay grounded as a daily practice and check in regularly. I feel much more aware of my energetic base line. I feel a deeper connection to myself and feel very at ease. I feel more present with myself and others and the moment.”

divination cards by Adrenna Anzaldua to offer intuitive wisdom through somatic experiencing and somatic spiritual healing and somatic spiritual therapy

Self Care as a Priority

“My biggest take away for me was to take my self practice more of a priority . It really does make all the difference. Second biggest takeaway was getting clear on my energetic baseline and recognize when I’m not grounded.”


Don't continue to struggle with the difficulties of being an empath, psychic, or sensitive.


Your life before the grounding course:

  • Difficulty connecting with your true self-it's hard to take time for yourself and step away from the busyness and expectations. With everything going on, it might be hard to recognize who you are on a deeper level.

  • Feeling overwhelmed by intense emotions-it can be overwhelming for you to feel the intensity of emotions that come from the world around us. We can become so connected to these emotions that it can become hard to find our true self

  • Struggling to build boundaries-empaths and psychics often find it hard to build boundaries since we can constantly feel the emotions of those around us. Empaths and psychics become lost in these overwhelming feelings and it may be difficult to know who we are or how to take care of ourselves.

  • Lack of clarity on purpose-. It's easy for our vision of what we want for ourselves to become clouded when we’re tuned into everyone else’s needs-except our own.

Your life after the grounding course:

  • Increased self-awareness-Reset your baseline so you can reconnect with your true sense of purpose and what brings balance back into your life

  • Improved emotional balance-Clear out any blockages that prevent us from fully connecting with our true selves and create a sense of peace and calm within.

  • More fulfilling relationships-Refining our energetic boundaries helps us create stronger ones with others, which can increase mutual understanding and better communication. As a result, we can be connected more deeply with our loved ones leading to more meaningful relationships.

  • Greater connection to purpose-Re-centered and bring calm and balance back into your life. It helps to both transform and release the energy that's been building up, leaving you feeling more empowered on your journey.


Investment: $147

A comprehensive, step-by-step guide to grounding and embodiment specifically designed for sensitives, psychics, and healers

  • Exclusive access to a community of like-minded individuals

  • Support with an experienced spiritual teacher + guide

  • Payment Plans and Sliding Scale Available

The Payment and Enrollment Process:

Get started today with just 3 day steps!


Complete your payment


Create student login


You begin your grounding journey with me as your guide :)

Join now, not “someday”

Look, I know how you feel.

Collectively, we’re trying to make sense of the past few years. Many empaths, sensitives, and psychics have been really challenged to step out of their comfort zones and called to heal from our past traumas. Without a culture that respects spiritual or energetic considerations, we are drowning in overwhelm and other people’s energies.

Not to mention, unless we are looking for it, no one teaches us the importance of energetic and spiritual hygiene.

You’re burn out, fed up, and you finally are at the point where you can recognize, you can no longer continue this path.

It’s not working for you.

It’s tempting to put this on the back burner and wait until “I heal a bit more- I’ll get to it then.”

I get it, I really do. But truth bomb - that kind of thinking is what’s holding you back. It’s why you aren’t seeing results.

By not taking action or doing things that are hard and push you out of your comfort zone, then you’re going to stay stuck - exactly where you are.

You MUST learn how to ground if you want to heal.

Stop investing in crystals and more spiritual materialism. That raw chunk of tourmaline or quartz crystal will only get you so far on the spiritual path.

Without learning how to actually ground, you will continue to rely on external tools. When you know the proper ways to ground, your relationship with those tools changes, and you recognize your innate power to heal and move forward in life.

Where do you want to be 6 months from now- same old same old?

Or, would you rather have MONTHS of grounding practices and energetic hygiene working in your favor?

We both know the answer to that easy question, my friend.

You don’t need to drown in the waters of life. You can find a way to float on the surface with confidence, ease, and grace.

Consider me your spiritual mermaid and let me show you that can explore the shores above, wanderin' free….and truly be a part of this world.

the little mermaid Ariel the spiritual mermaid with Adrenna Anzaldua a part of the world

In two minutes, you can begin your grounding journey and shift your energetic body for the rest of your life.

JOIN GROUNDING COURSE FOR empaths, sensitives and psychics today!


Is there a payment plan? Do you offer a sliding scale?

When I first began my spiritual healing journey, I was a new mom, still in college, and a newlywed (aka broke AF). I was financially limited, but I was abundant in resources. I was placed in the path of beautiful healers who offered a sliding scale that allowed me to afford the healing I needed—-and still put dinner on the table.

Sliding Scale Info: It is important that I keep the tradition of the women before me and honor the sliding scale to allow healing modalities of all kinds to be accessible. The sliding scale rate for this course is $97-147. You pay what you can afford-just send me an email and I will send you a link from Stripe where you can enter the amount within that scale. (no questions asked/no filters or screenings-promise!) Right after, check your inbox for your welcome email + your course link access.

Payment Plan Deets: I do offer a 2-month payment plan!

2 monthly payments at $85/month. There is no payment plan available for the sliding scale rate. just send me an email and I will send you a link for a payment plan.