4 Spiritual Awakening Myths You Should Ignore

Adrenna Anzaldua | shamanic practitioner | 4 spiritual awakening myths you should ignore | spiritual healing

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    Dogs see only in black and white.
    Popping your knuckles causes arthritis.
    Lightning never strikes the same place twice.

    Most myths are harmless.

    Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for most spiritual awakening myths. At best, they’re slightly misleading. And at worst, they lead you to waste precious time and resources on things that will never help you on your spiritual path..

    So let’s bust a few common spiritual awakening myths once and for all.

    Spiritual Awakening Myth #1: Spiritual awakening is only for an elite few

    In the past, spiritual awakenings were often associated with exceptional individuals who devoted their lives to religious or spiritual pursuits, leading to the belief that these experiences were exclusive to a chosen few. This view was reinforced by limited access to spiritual teachings and resources, which were often controlled by religious institutions or available only to those in specific social classes.

     At least, that’s what a lot of us were told and taught to believe.  

    However, believing this myth isn’t helping anyone.

    The main reason? 

    The whole idea that spiritual experiences are just for a select few people can really create some barriers and make others feel discouraged about pursuing their own spiritual journey. It's like this myth is building a wall between people and promoting a sense of elitism and separateness, instead of bringing everyone together and making spirituality accessible to all.

     There are other reasons too. When people think that spiritual awakening is just meant for a chosen few, it can really lead to them focusing too much on things like titles, roles, or getting recognized by others. Instead, they should be concentrating on their own personal growth and development from within.

    And another thing – believing that only specific individuals can experience spiritual awakening might make some people feel like they're not good enough or capable of transforming themselves. This kind of thinking can hold them back and limit their potential for growth, since they might not feel encouraged to explore and be curious about their own spirituality.

    Which means that when you’re going through a spiritual awakening, you have to drop the notion that you are “special”. A spiritual awakening can happen to anyone.

    What to do instead:

    You need to arm yourself with knowledge and self-awareness to navigate a spiritual awakening. In fact, Mary Shutan, author of the Spirtitual Awakening Guide, writes “No matter how awakened you are, you still go to the grocery store, pick your kids up from schoo, and clean the litter box. YOu watch television, eat good food and have sex. People still cut you off in traffic. The difference is that life becomes simple.”  

    So if you’re looking to navigate the spiritual awakening path, here’s the approach I recommend trying out.

    Utilzing somatics and self-inquiry, ask your body where it is holding onto any myths about feeling the need to be special in this world or the spiritual awakening path. By exploring how your body is holding onto this myth, you can uncover any underlying beliefs that are holding you back from your greatest potential and a successful spiritual awakening.

    Spiritual Awakening Myth #2: You have to do this on your own

    Trying to go through a spiritual awakening without any guidance or support is overwhelming and honestly, unnecessary. . 

    There are so many resources and mentors out there but without reaching for them, you might feel stuck and confused on the spiritual awakening journey. 

    And if that’s not enough, here are 3 other reasons thinking you have to go through a spiritual awakening on your own won’t work:

    • Reason #1: While it's true that spiritual awakening is a deeply personal and unique experience, that doesn't mean you have to go through it completely alone. In fact, having a support system in place can be incredibly beneficial for your growth and development.

    • Reason #2: Connecting with like-minded individuals who are also on their spiritual journey can provide you with valuable insights, guidance, and encouragement. These connections can come in the form of friends, family members, spiritual mentors, or even online communities. By sharing your experiences and learning from others, you can gain new perspectives and a deeper understanding of your own spiritual path.

    • Reason #3: Connecting with like-minded individuals who are also on their spiritual journey can provide you with valuable insights, guidance, and encouragement. These connections can come in the form of friends, family members, spiritual mentors, or even online communities. By sharing your experiences and learning from others, you can gain new perspectives and a deeper understanding of your own spiritual path.

    What to do instead 

    Don't buy into the myth that you have to go through a spiritual awakening all by yourself. Embrace the support and connections available to you, and remember that you're not alone on this journey. There's a whole community of people out there who are walking the same path, and together, you can grow and evolve in your spirituality. Combine this with grounding practices, and you’ll navigate the rollercoaster of the spiritual awakening process with ease..

    The best part is, you become more embodied in your daily life and can be of great service to humanity and the world as a whole..

    Spiritual Awakening Myth #3: Grounding Practices aren’t important

    One of the most persistent myths about the spiritual awakenign journey  is the idea that the practice of grounding doesn’t matter. 

    So not true! Many people might dismiss grounding as unimportant or unrelated to their spiritual journey, focusing instead on meditation, energy work, or other practices that seem more directly connected to spiritual growth. After working with clients for over 10 years, I’ve found that most people aren’t taught to properly ground-and are doing it incorrectly. Instead of engaging with the felt sense of grounding and giving their bodies permission to connect to the Earth, they are visualizing. And if you’ve ever visuliazed you were at the beach, only to come bcak to harsh reality that in fact you are on our yoga mat in the hot sweaty summers of the South, then you can understand why visulization practices only get you so far.

    Grounding is effective at stabilizing your energy, which helps maintain a balanced and centered state amidst the profound changes and heightened sensitivity that can accompany spiritual awakening when you do it right. 

    You know, just visualizing grounding practices can be helpful, but it's not the same as actually feeling them. When you only focus on visualization, it might not be as effective in releasing excess energy or keeping your emotions balanced. It's like you're missing out on the full experience.

    And when you think about it, spiritual growth is all about connecting your mind, body, and spirit. If you're only using visualization, you might end up ignoring the physical sensations your body is giving you. That can actually slow down your progress in your spiritual practice. Plus, grounding is all about being present and aware of the moment. If you're just visualizing, you might not be as connected to the here and now as you could be if you were really feeling the sensations.

    Lastly, when you develop a strong sense of how grounding feels in your body, it becomes easier to manage your energy and emotions during tough times. Without that felt sense, you might not have the same level of control. So, to get the most out of grounding practices, it's important to combine both visualization and the felt sense. That way, you're fully engaging your mind, body, and emotions in the process, which makes for a more powerful and effective grounding experience.

    So you should still incorporate visualization, but if you rely on visualization for grounding, you’ll not only hurt your chances of grounding effectively but you run the risk of it not doing  anything or changing your state–what’s the point then, right??

    So visualization meditations are out, but you still need to ground so you can be balanced and centered. Read on for how.

    What to do instead:

    Try this grounding meditation for empaths, psychics, and sensitives or take a few moments to do this right now-in real time.

    1. Find a quiet space: Choose a calm and comfortable spot where you can relax and focus on your grounding practice without distractions.

    2. Adopt a stable posture: Stand or sit with your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Make sure your spine is straight and your shoulders are relaxed. Rest your hands on your thighs or at your sides.

    3. Take deep breaths: Close your eyes and start taking slow, deep breaths. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Focus on the sensation of your breath as it fills your lungs and leaves your body.

    4. Connect with your body: Bring your awareness to your feet and feel their connection with the ground. Notice the sensations in your feet – the texture of the floor, the weight distribution, and any subtle movements.

    5. Feel the Earth's energy: Imagine that roots are extending from the soles of your feet deep into the Earth. Instead of visualizing this, try to feel the energy from the Earth flowing up through these roots and into your body. Pay attention to the sensations in your legs, hips, and lower back as the energy moves upward.

    6. Release excess energy: As the Earth's energy fills your body, imagine any excess energy, stress, or tension flowing out of you and down through the roots back into the Earth. Feel the physical sensations of release and relaxation in your muscles and joints.

    7. Balance and center: Continue to breathe deeply and feel the exchange of energy between your body and the Earth. Allow this connection to stabilize and center you, promoting a sense of calm and groundedness.

    8. Express gratitude: Take a moment to express gratitude for the grounding experience and the support provided by the Earth. This can be a silent acknowledgment or a spoken word of thanks.

    9. Return to the present: Gently wiggle your fingers and toes, bringing your awareness back to your surroundings. Slowly open your eyes and take a few more deep breaths before resuming your daily activities.

    For example:

    I once worked with a woman named Sarah who was on a journey of trauma recovery. She had been practicing grounding techniques as part of her healing process, but she mainly relied on visualization rather than truly feeling the grounding sensations in her body.

    During one of our sessions, I encouraged Sarah to shift her focus from visualization to the felt sense, paying close attention to the physical sensations and emotions that accompanied her grounding practice. At first, she found this challenging, as she was so accustomed to using her imagination to create mental images. However, with gentle guidance and consistent practice, Sarah gradually began to connect more deeply with her body during her grounding exercises. She started noticing the subtle sensations in her feet, the flow of energy between her body and the Earth, and the release of tension as she let go of excess energy.

    This shift in her approach had a profound impact on her healing process. By truly feeling the grounding sensations, Sarah was able to develop a stronger connection with her body, allowing her to become more aware of the physical manifestations of her trauma. This heightened awareness enabled her to better understand her triggers and emotional responses, which was essential for her recovery. Additionally, the deeper connection with the Earth's energy provided Sarah with a greater sense of stability and support during her most challenging moments. She found that the more she engaged her felt sense in her grounding practice, the more effective it became in helping her manage her emotions and maintain a sense of balance and calm.

    Over time, Sarah's commitment to focusing on the felt sense during her grounding exercises played a crucial role in her trauma recovery. It allowed her to develop a more holistic approach to her healing journey, integrating her mind, body, and spirit, and ultimately supporting her in reclaiming her sense of self and well-being.

    Spiritual Awakening Myth #4: Once spiritually awakened, you will no longer experience negative emotions or challenges

    The truth? Thinking that you are no longer going to experience heartache or challenges won’t cut it for an authentic spiritual awakening process.  (aka, honey, you’re lying to yourself if you think that on the other side of your spiritual awakening is a xanadu rainbow.

    Even though you will experience life differently, going through a spiritual awakenign does not give us a “get out jail” free card from life’s experiences.

    The Loner Wolf  even states that, “As you start paying more attention to the many hardships faced by humanity and nature alike, you develop more compassion. Your inherent empathy is awakened and you may find it hard to cope with the intensity of your feelings. This is a pivotal point in your inner transformation: you either numb the pain you feel with addictions, or you find healthy ways to accept and express your emotions.

    [insert a client case study or a related graphic] 

    What to do instead

    It is crucial to accept that life's challenges and negative emotions are inevitable, regardless of one's spiritual progress.

    A simple step you can take today is to do some inner work through self-inquiry.

    1. How do I maintain balance and perspective when faced with emotional ups and downs? Are there specific practices or techniques that help me stay grounded during difficult times?

    2. How can I cultivate acceptance and compassion for myself when experiencing negative emotions or challenges, knowing that they are a natural part of the spiritual awakening process?

    3. How can I better embrace the duality of life's experiences, recognizing that both positive and negative emotions are essential for my spiritual growth?

    4. What beliefs or expectations do I have about my spiritual awakening that might be unrealistic or unhelpful? How can I adjust these beliefs to better align with the reality of emotional ups and downs?

    5. Reflect on a recent positive experience or emotion during my spiritual awakening. How did it impact my journey, and how can I use this energy to support my growth during challenging times?

    Wrapping it Up

    There you have it: 4 Spiritual Awakening myths. 

    As you saw, the concept and understandings of the spiritual awakening process is evolving and you should, too. Today, it’s more about knowing the right information and doing something about it. Not just internalizing it with having any experiences. 

    I hope this post has helped you steer clear of misleading information so you can experience the beauty of a spiritual awakening:  healing and emotionl well being, Personal growth and self-discovery, Connection with a higher power or the universe, and ontributing to the greater good. 

    If you’re needing to feel centered and balanced, take 5 minutes to experience this free grounding meditation for empaths, psychics, and sensitives!


    What is Inner Child Healing?


    What is Grounding?