What is Discernment?

How to develop discernment skills with Adrenna Anzaldua in spiritual healing series, what is discernment and what is discernment in spiritual healing

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    Are you new to the world of spiritual healing?

    Then you may have heard about discernment and desperately wanted to ask someone what they were talking about, but couldn’t bring yourself to raise your hand.

    I get it. In the spiritual healing world, it can be hard to navigate a bunch of abstract or esoteric terms.

    Today, you’re in luck because I’m going to show you everything you need to know about discernment but were afraid to ask, including how to differentiate it from its sister, intuition.

    You'll be ready for your first day at Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry as a Gryffindor (are or you more of a Hufflepuff?)

    Are you an empath, psychic or sensitive? Have you ever struggled with how to handle incoming energies and information that aren't yours but still feel close and relevant? Do you often find yourself unable to stay grounded in your own center amidst the energy fluctuations of others? If so, then this blog post is for you! Instinctive discernment can be a frustratingly elusive skill yet it is also incredibly valuable both for maintaining healthy boundaries as well as tapping into deeper intuitive wisdom.

    In this post I'll explore what discernment really means, how to develop it, why it's important and its application throughout all aspects of spiritual work. So join me now as we devote some time together to exploring the power of discernment.

    What is Discernment?

    The importance of discernment for personal growth and well-being

    Discernment is a unique quality that allows us to see beyond the surface and delve deeper into the essence of a situation or a person. It's almost like a sixth sense that allows us to sense the truth, beauty, and inherent goodness in the world. The definition of discernment is essentially the ability to make wise, insightful judgments, and distinguish between right and wrong. It's not just about making quick decisions or following the crowd; it's about taking the time to truly understand the nuances of a situation and make a decision that aligns with our values and beliefs. Discernment is a powerful tool that can help us navigate through life's challenges with a sense of purpose and perspective. When we embrace discernment, we can develop greater clarity, confidence, and courage to pursue our dreams and create a better world.

    Discernment is the ability to judge what is right and what is wrong, what is beneficial and what is harmful. To me, it's like tuning into a radio station with a clear signal, where there's no static or interference disrupting the sound. It's when you have a clear understanding of a situation, knowing exactly how to proceed and making decisions without hesitation. Having discernment means you are in sync with your intuition, your gut feeling. It's about being aware of the consequences of your actions and making choices that bring positivity and growth into your life. In essence, discernment is the key to living a fulfilling life, one that is full of purpose, meaning, and joy.

    Discernment is like a compass that guides me on my journey. It helps me distinguish between what is true and what is merely a facade. Its definition goes beyond the mere act of seeing, but rather involves the ability to understand and interpret what is being presented. It’s a gift, really, one that I’ve learned to hone over the years. Through careful observation and reflection, I’ve been able to cultivate a sense of keen insight that has enabled me to make sound decisions. It’s a powerful tool that has helped me heal from spiritual psychosis and a traumatic spiritual awakening and for that, I’m forever grateful.

    Why is Discernment Important?

    Why developing discernment skills leads to better outcomes and satisfaction

    Discernment, in my opinion, is one of the most underrated qualities a person can possess. It's like a compass that guides you through the choices you make in life. Without it, we are like a ship without a rudder, aimlessly drifting wherever the tides take us. Discernment is what keeps us focused on our goals and makes sure we are heading in the right direction. It's what helps us distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong, truth and falsehood. Having discernment means we possess an inner wisdom that allows us to make sound decisions and choices that lead to a fulfilling life. It's no wonder the importance of discernment cannot be overstated. When you have it, you are better equipped to navigate life's challenges, and that's a beautiful thing.

    They say that not everything that glitters is gold, and indeed, that is true in life. In a world full of information, it's essential to have discernment as our guide. It's the ability to differentiate between what's true and false. When we are not discerning, we're more vulnerable to believing and following things that are detrimental to ourselves and others. It's like possessing a compass in the jungle - it allows us to navigate through the thick of things, stay on the right course, and avoid getting lost. The importance of discernment goes beyond just keeping us safe from harm, but it also empowers us to make better decisions, be more confident, and grow as individuals. It's a skill that takes time to learn, but it's worth investing in because the benefits are endless. 

    During a shamanic journey, discernment is like a compass in the wilderness. It guides us through the unknown terrain of the subconscious and the spiritual realm, helping us to distinguish between what is real and what is merely a projection of our own fears, desires, or illusions. Without discernment, we risk getting lost in the labyrinth of our psyche, or falling prey to negative energies or entities that may masquerade as guides or allies. However, with discernment, we can navigate this inner landscape with confidence and clarity, learning valuable lessons, connecting with our soul's purpose, and healing ourselves and others. Discernment is not just a mental function, but a spiritual skill that requires intuition, humility, detachment, and respect for the hidden forces that govern our existence. So, when you embark on a shamanic journey, remember to bring your compass of discernment, and let it be your faithful companion on the path of transformation.

    Background of Discernment

    How discernment has evolved through different cultures

    Discernment is an interesting concept with roots in diverse philosophical, religious, and cultural traditions. It refers to our ability to make good judgments, distinguish between right and wrong, and pick out subtle nuances in differing situations or ideas.

    To look into its history, we can follow it through various traditions. For instance, ancient Greek philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle emphasized the importance of discernment in their teachings. They used discourse and critical thinking to help people achieve a deeper understanding of concepts. Discernment plays an equally important role in many religious traditions also, such as Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism. It is considered the ultimate guide to spiritual wisdom and a path to enlightenment. Even in cultures across the globe, discernment has long been associated with elders' wisdom and knowledge.

    Furthermore, modern psychology and personal development fields have also explored this topic, linking it to critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and intuition, which are all essential skills used to make informed decisions and navigate complex situations. To sum it up, discernment has always been an integral part of human history, valued mainly for its significance in ethical decision-making, personal growth, and wisdom.

    Practical Examples of Discernment

    Using discernment to choose a job offer

    When it comes to accepting a job offer, it is vital to take a step back and weigh the pros and cons of each opportunity. That's where discernment (a fancy word for good judgement) comes in! First up, identify whether or not a company's culture, values, and mission align with your own. There's nothing more fulfilling than feeling a connection to your work and knowing that you're making a difference. You'll also want to consider how the job offer will affect your work-life balance. Commute time, work hours, and flexibility are just a few things to think about. After all, you don't want to be chained to your desk 24/7 - life is about more than work!

    Discernment will help you identify growth opportunities in a job, including chances for training, mentorship, and promotions. Plus, it's important to take into account the full compensation package (not just the salary) to make a well-rounded decision. And let's not forget job security - discernment can help you evaluate a company's stability and the industry it operates in for long-term security.

    Discernment in personal relationships and establishing healthy boundaries in relationships

    Discernment isn't just beneficial in the workplace; it also plays an integral role in building and maintaining healthy relationships. It allows you to recognize red flags - think manipulation, lack of communication, or disrespect - and address these issues head-on. Setting boundaries is another key component of discernment. By clearly communicating your limits, you can foster respect and understanding.

    Lastly, discernment helps you assess whether you and your partner share compatibility and have similar values, interests, and long-term goals, which is fundamental in any healthy relationship. By identifying opportunities for growth and working together to resolve conflicts, you can strengthen your bond and deepen your connection.

    Discernment Best Tips and Practices:

    How to develop discernment skills:

    Being able to discern what belongs to us and what doesn't is a valuable skill that can help us navigate life's challenges with more ease and clarity. To develop our discernment muscle, there are a few things we can do. First, we can ask ourselves "is this mine?" when we encounter a thought, feeling, or situation that triggers us. This simple question can help us disentangle from other people's energy and reclaim our own power. Additionally, using critical thinking skills can help us evaluate information and determine what resonates with us and what doesn't. Finally, practicing self-inquiry through meditation, journaling, or introspection can allow us to connect with our inner wisdom and intuition, and discern what aligns with our values and purpose. With these discernment tips and best practices, we can cultivate a more discerning and empowered approach to life.

    Discernment is an invaluable and deeply personal skill that assists us in making better decisions. With practice, discernment can be cultivated and become part of our life-toolkit, helping us navigate unresolved conflicts at work, important relationship crossroads, and difficult choices about the career path that best serves us. Learning to recognize truth in our heart, as opposed to the opinions of others, is a practice that should be cultivated with deep sensitivity so we can work towards the very best paths in our lives.

    If you need additional support on understanding and practicing discernment in your life, consider scheduling a 1:1 session with Adrenna to help work through challenging scenarios and reach clarity for yourself. Discernment is a primary skill to assist us in harnessing our wisdom-self who knows what’s truly best for us!

    Discernment Take-Away’s

    Evaluating options and making informed choices

    I hope discernment is crystal clear to you now.

    I first launched Somatic Spiritual Healing because there was a lack of accessible information on discernment on the spiritual path and for people like you and me. Do you still have questions? No shame in that! You can contact me here or find me on Instagram, where I'm always happy to answer any questions.

    One thing you can do to get started with discernment is join my course on grounding for empaths, psychics, and sensitives.  Click here to learn now.


    Navigating the Spiritual Awakening Rollercoaster: Why Your Healing Path Is a Beautiful Mystery


    5 Reasons Why You Need Discernment as an Empath, Sensitive, and Psychic