9 Reasons Why Your Visualization Practices Aren't Healing You and What You Need to Do About It

women realizing that her visualization practices aren't healing her and she realizes she needs somatic spiritual healing to heal herself from anxiety, depression, PTSD, spiritual issues, past life regression, inner child, psychopomp

Table of Contents

    If you’ve ever dabbled in the basics of spirituality you have probably seen the term “visualization” come up at some point. But what is visualiztion? How can we define this elusive term that everyone is talking about but we don’t know what it really is? How can visualization benefit us on the spiritual path? How can visualization block us from moving forward on the spiritual healing journey?

    These are all fantastic questions and as a spiritual healer focused on somatic therapy and trauma-informed practices myself, this is exactly the kind of work I guide my clients through every day, whether it’s with my 1-on-1 sessions or through my online programs.

    In this blog post, I’m going to explore the nine reasons why Your Visualization Practices Aren't Healing You and What You Need to Do About It :


    I have so many tips to share on the subject that it would have been riddikulus to put it all in one article! There are many misconceptions about Spiritual Development which is why I've dedicated so many posts & videos to this topic. Enjoy!

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    9 ReasonsWhy Your Visualization Practices Aren't Healing You and What You Need to Do About It


    Are you an empath, intuitive, or sensitive soul who has been using visualization techniques to manifest and heal? But despite all your efforts, you have not been able to achieve the desired results?

    Visualization practices have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially among people who identify as empaths, intuitives, and sensitives. If this sounds familiar to you, then you are not alone. It's no secret that visualization can be a powerful tool to help us manifest our desires and create the reality we want. Many people who follow spiritual practices such as visualization often get frustrated and disillusioned when they do not see the results they expect. But the truth is that visualization alone is not enough and can sometimes even hinder your progress. However, too often we rely on visualization as a fix-all solution, thinking that if we just visualize hard enough, we'll get the results we want. Unfortunately, this approach often falls short, leaving us feeling frustrated and disappointed. In this blog, we discuss why your visualization practices are not working and what you need to do to get the results you want.

    1. You're not aligning with your desires.

    The first reason why visualization might not be working for you is that you're not fully aligned with your desires. Visualization works best when we're able to tap into the emotions and energy of what we want. If you're visualizing something that you don't truly believe is possible for you, or that you don't really want deep down, then it's unlikely to manifest. Take some time to get clear on what you truly desire, and work on aligning your energy with that desire before you start visualizing.

    2. You're relying too heavily on visualization.

    Visualization is a powerful tool, but it's not the only tool. If you're relying solely on visualization to manifest your desires, then you're probably missing out on other important steps. For example, taking action towards your goals, developing healthy habits and routines, and cultivating positive relationships are all important pieces of the manifestation puzzle. Make sure you're using visualization as one part of a larger strategy, rather than relying on it to do all the heavy lifting. Tired of the spiritual awakening illusion bubble? Head over to this blog post where I discuss the The Downside of Modern Spirituality: Why You're Being Disillusioned and How to Truly Wake Up

    visualization quote: visualization on the spiritual journey is like trying to cook dinner with a lightbulb -   unique and creative, but ultimately ineffective if you don't have the right ingredients or tools!

    3. You're not trusting the process.

    Manifestation is not always a linear or predictable process. Sometimes it takes longer than we expect, or takes a different form than we envisioned. If you're constantly doubting whether your visualization practice is working or questioning whether you're doing it right, then you're likely sending mixed signals to the universe. Trusting the process and staying positive and optimistic, even in the face of setbacks, is key to successful manifestation.

    4. You're not being specific enough.

    Another common mistake people make with visualization is being too vague or generic with their desires. For example, if you're visualizing "abundance" without being clear on what that actually looks and feels like for you, then it's unlikely to manifest. Get specific about what you truly desire, and visualize the details of that specific outcome. The more specific and detailed you are, the more likely you are to manifest what you want.


    5. You're not taking responsibility for your reality

    It's important to remember that we are co-creators of our reality. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that visualization alone will make everything happen for us, but this is not the case. We must take responsibility for our actions, thoughts, and emotions, and actively work towards manifesting our desires. Visualization is a powerful tool to help us do that, but it's only one part of the equation.

    6. Visualization Tricks Your Brain

    Visualization is a powerful tool to rewire your subconscious mind and reprogram your beliefs and habits. However, visualization can also trick your brain into thinking that you have already achieved the desired outcome, which leads to complacency and lack of motivation. For instance, if you visualize yourself as a successful author, your brain might think that you have already achieved your goal and therefore, reduce your drive and ambition to take real actions to get there. Instead of relying solely on visualization, you need to combine it with practical action steps that align with your goals.

    7. Visualization Creates Resistance

    Another reason why visualization practices often fail is that they can create resistance and attachment to the outcome. When you focus too much on the end result, you might become anxious, desperate, or frustrated, which can block the flow of energy and manifestation. Moreover, your attachment to the outcome can make you ignore or reject opportunities that come your way because they do not match your mental image. To overcome this obstacle, you need to focus on the process and enjoy the journey rather than obsessing over the destination. Trust that the universe knows what is best for you and that every experience is a learning opportunity.


    8. Visualization Detaches from Your True Desires

    Many people who practice visualization do not realize that they are creating mental images based on other people's expectations, external standards, or social conditioning rather than their own authentic desires. For example, you might visualize yourself as a millionaire because you think that is what success means, but deep down, you might not resonate with that lifestyle or values. If you try to manifest something that is not aligned with your true self, you will face inner conflict and resistance that will sabotage your efforts. The key here is to connect with your heart and develop your intuition to clarify what you really want and why you want it.

    9. Visualizations Ignore Your Shadow Side

    Finally, one of the main reasons why visualization practices can be ineffective is that they tend to ignore or deny your shadow side, which is the part of you that contains your fears, doubts, insecurities, and unresolved traumas. When you try to manifest something without addressing your inner wounds, you are like a pilot who wants to fly a plane with a broken wing. Your subconscious mind will sabotage your goals because it senses a mismatch between your conscious desires and your deeper beliefs and emotions. Therefore, before you start visualizing, you need to do the inner work of healing, releasing, and integrating your shadow aspects.

    Visualization practices can be powerful tools to enhance your manifestation and healing abilities, but they are not a magic bullet that guarantees success. To get the results you want, you need to understand the limitations and potential pitfalls of visualization and complement it with practical actions, detachment, authenticity, and shadow work. By understanding the reasons why your visualization practice may not be working, you can take steps to improve your approach and get better results.

    Closing Thoughts…

    When you align your conscious goals with your subconscious beliefs, emotions, and values, you tap into a vast reservoir of creative energy that can facilitate your growth and transformation. Remember to align with your desires, use visualization as one part of a larger strategy, trust the process, be specific, and take responsibility for your reality. With these tips in mind, you'll be on your way to manifesting the life you truly desire. So, stop visualizing and start taking inspired and aligned actions, knowing that the universe is conspiring to support you.

    Think about your own spiritual healing journey and don’t forget to pause and reflect on how far you’ve come and all of the small (and large ways)

    Celebrate all of the effort + energy you’ve extended for yourself and others. 

    Proud of you,



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