The Downside of Modern Spirituality: Why You're Being Disillusioned and How to Truly Wake Up

Table of Contents


    If you’ve ever dabbled in the basics of spirituality you have probably seen the term “spiritual awakening” come up at some point. But what is spiritual awakening? How can we define this elusive term that everyone is talking about but we don’t know what it really is? What does a spiritual awakening look like? How long does a spiritual awakening last? What happens after I’ve awakened?

    These are all fantastic questions and as a spiritual healer focused on somatic therapy and trauma-informed practices myself, this is exactly the kind of work I guide my clients through every day, whether it’s with my 1-on-1 sessions or through my online programs.

    In this blog post, I’m going to explore the downsides of modern spirituality, the antithesis of awakening, how to wake up in a world that wants you to be a sleeper, and you how can awaken to your true selves.


    I have so many tips to share on the subject that it would have been riddikulus to put it all in one article! There are many misconceptions about Spiritual Awakening which is why I've dedicated so many posts & videos to this topic. Enjoy!

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    Here’s Why You're Being Disillusioned About the Awakening Process and How to Truly Wake Up


    In today’s world, we are bombarded with the idea of a spiritual awakening. Popular spirituality teachers, influencers, and media outlets promote this concept as the ultimate goal for inner growth and fulfillment. We've got The Insta Yogi: a modern spiritualist who only practices yoga poses for pictures - all for the likes! Incorporates plenty of props and references to their favorite Instagram mega influencers mid-pose, and is always sure to hashtag any other current trends in their captions.

    The surge in modern spirituality has a beautiful advantage of with people seeking enlightenment and a deeper connection to the universe. However, as the hype around the concept of spiritual awakening continues to grow, many are finding themselves disillusioned and disappointed with the idea. In this blog post, we’ll explore why modern spirituality is an illusion and the antithesis of awakening. We’ll also share some insights and practices that can help you wake up from this illusion and find a true spiritual connection.


    The Illusion of Modern Spirituality

    Quick Fixes, Spiritual Bypassing, and Magic Wands

    Fast Food Connoisseur: this spiritualist believes that food from fast food chains embodies true zen principles, swears by their 4-piece chicken nuggets meal as a form of meditation and makes sure to ask the cashier to bless their order with positive vibes before they eat it!

    Firstly, modern spirituality promotes the idea of a quick fix for inner peace and fulfillment. Many spiritual teachers and gurus offer simple and catchy phrases such as “live in the present moment,” “let go of all attachments,” and “love yourself unconditionally.” However, these statements are often superficial and impractical. Modern spirituality tends to focus almost exclusively on the positives of the spiritual journey. It creates an idealized view of spirituality, often ignoring the shadows and complexities that come with self-discovery. The grittier and more challenging aspects of the journey are often brushed under the rug, leading to disillusionment when this idealized view doesn't materialize. Embracing the darker parts of ourselves is crucial for true growth and consciousness expansion. They only scratch the surface of the real spiritual work that is required for true awakening.

    If you're scrolling through the 'gram or follow gurus on YouTube, you'll see a common thread amongst modern spiritualists who often market their offerings as a high-ticket, 6 figure product. Social media platforms are flooded with spiritual influencers who promote their “spiritual services,” such as retreats, workshops, and online courses. While there is nothing wrong with providing spiritual guidance and teachings, it becomes problematic when it is monetized unethically and used as a commodity for personal gain

    External Validation vs. Internal Growth

    The Vegan Guru: this spiritualist loves nothing more than to talk about the benefits of veganism not only for the environment but also for one's spiritual wellbeing too! They will give you a long spiel about why the Impossible burger isn't really impossible after all.

    The second issue is the emphasis on external validation, rather than internal growth. The modern spiritual movement has seen a proliferation of self-proclaimed gurus, spiritual teachers and influencers, which only fuels the belief that external guidance is necessary to achieve enlightenment. In reality, true spiritual awakening comes from within, and it's essential to connect with your own inner wisdom and guidance to truly awaken.

    It is important to recognize the role that social media and the internet have played in amplifying the voices of these self-proclaimed gurus and spiritual influencers (I'm thinking Teal Swan, Gabby Bernstein, or even the Goop mogul, Gwenyth Paltrow) While there are undoubtedly many well-intentioned individuals offering guidance and wisdom, the digital age has also enabled the spread of misinformation and false teachings.

    It is crucial, therefore, to approach spiritual teachings with a discerning eye, and not to blindly follow any one individual or group. Rather, it is important to cultivate a sense of inner knowing and trust in oneself, and to seek out guidance from a variety of sources, including one's own intuition development, personal experiences, and trusted mentors or teachers.

    It's vital to understand that the journey towards spiritual growth and enlightenment is a deeply personal one, and it cannot be found solely through external validation or guidance. Instead, it requires a commitment to self-reflection, self-awareness, and a willingness to explore and embrace the mysteries of one's own inner world. As a spiritual teacher for over ten years, I have found that developing and cultivating a combination of external and internal resources allows for balance, clarity, and a step away from black and white thinking.

    Spirituality for Profit

    Fad Chaser: this spiritualist loves nothing more than jumping on the latest spiritual bandwagon - be it tarot cards, astrology or even witchcraft! They always have the newest deck of tarot cards or an altar with all the trinkets so they can make sure to practice with the trendiest tools.

    The third issue is the commodification of spirituality which refers to the commercialization or exploitation of spiritual experiences, practices, or traditions for profit. This can occur when religious or spiritual rituals become a form of entertainment or are used to advance certain ideologies. Examples include charging admission for services at churches or temples, selling merchandise associated with religious or spiritual movements, offering tourist-oriented spiritual retreats, and appearing on reality television shows that focus on spiritual healing.

    With so many people seeking enlightenment, there has been a rise in people monetizing their spiritual journey, offering expensive courses, retreats, and products. This encourages the belief that spirituality is something that can be bought or achieved, which is far from the truth. Spiritual awakening is an inner journey, and true growth comes from doing the work yourself, rather than relying on outside sources.

    It's important to note that the commodification of spirituality can also lead to cultural appropriation. Many spiritual practices come from indigenous cultures, and when they are monetized and commodified, it can strip away their cultural significance and turn them into a trend. It's essential to approach spirituality with respect and understanding of its cultural roots.

    Additionally, the pressure to achieve spiritual enlightenment can be overwhelming and can lead to feelings of inadequacy or shame if one does not reach a certain level of "enlightenment." It's crucial to remember that spiritual growth is a personal journey, and there is no right or wrong way to approach it. Instead of focusing on achieving a specific level of spirituality, it's better to focus on cultivating self-awareness and compassion towards oneself and others.

    We've Been Lied to about What a Spiritual Awakening Really Is:

    The Conspiracy Theorist: this spiritualist loves to find their own meaning in the world and discovering hidden secrets. They often talk about how aliens are controlling certain politicians and speak in codes no one else can decipher.

    The fourth issue is that many people misunderstand what spiritual awakening truly is. It's not a one-time event or something that can be achieved by following a set of guidelines. It's a lifelong journey of self-discovery, inner healing, and growth, where you continually shed old beliefs, patterns and behaviors to reach new levels of spiritual awareness.

    When it comes to spiritual awakening, there are a few more things to keep in mind.

    Here are some points to consider:

    • Spiritual awakening can happen at any time, and it often comes unexpectedly. It's not something you can plan or predict.

    • While it's true that spiritual awakening is a journey, it's important to remember that there is no one "right" way to go about it. Everyone's journey is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another.

    • It's also worth noting that spiritual awakening isn't always easy. In fact, it can be quite challenging at times, as you confront old wounds and beliefs that may have been holding you back.

    • That being said, the rewards of spiritual awakening are immense. As you shed old patterns and beliefs, you'll find that you have more clarity, inner peace, and a greater sense of purpose.

    • Finally, it's important to remember that spiritual awakening is an ongoing process. There is no end point or "destination." Rather, it's a continual journey of growth and evolution.

    The Antithesis of Awakening

    The problem with modern spirituality is that it distracts us from the real work of awakening. Awakening is a process of deep inner transformation that requires us to face our fears, wounds, and shadows. It requires us to question the beliefs that have been programmed into us since childhood and to re-examine the way we see ourselves and the world around us.

    Modern spirituality, on the other hand, promotes the idea that we can bypass this process by simply adopting new beliefs, thoughts, and practices. It encourages us to avoid our trauma and pain by simply focusing on positive affirmations and good vibes. The result is a spiritual bypass that only leads to disconnection and disillusionment.

    While modern spirituality has its benefits, it can sometimes distract us from the real work of awakening. Here are some points to consider:

    Awakening is not an easy process, it requires a deep inner transformation that involves facing our fears, wounds, and shadows. It requires us to question our beliefs and re-examine our worldview. Modern spirituality often encourages us to bypass this process by simply adopting new beliefs and practices without doing the hard work of inner transformation. This can lead to a spiritual bypass that only leads to disconnection and disillusionment. It is important to acknowledge our trauma and pain rather than suppressing it. By doing so, we can work through it and heal from it, which is an essential part of the awakening process. Positive affirmations and good vibes can only get you so far on the spiritual path, and they should not be used as a way to avoid our pain and trauma. They should be used in conjunction with inner work and healing. Ultimately, the real work of awakening requires us to be honest with ourselves and others, to face our fears and pain, and to do the hard work of inner transformation. Only then can we truly awaken and live a more fulfilling life.

    How to Wake Up

    If you’re feeling disillusioned by modern spirituality, don’t despair. There are ways to wake up from this illusion and find a true spiritual connection that can lead to inner peace and fulfillment.

    It is important to develop and cultivate your personal relationship with spirituality. In animism and shamanic cosmologies, individual relationships with forces and consciousnesses allow us to create a relationship that is fulfilling and mutually beneficial.

    Some practices to help you wake up from spiritual disillusionment:

    Awakening to Our True Selves

    In conclusion, the concept of a spiritual awakening promoted by modern spirituality is an illusion that distracts us from the real work of inner transformation. It's essential to recognize that the modern spiritual movement has become somewhat distorted and commercialized. Awakening is a process that requires us to face our fears, trauma, and shadows, and to question our beliefs and programming.

    To truly wake up and connect with the universe, we need to take off the rose-tinted glasses and embrace the shadows and complexities of our spiritual journey. When we embrace this process with authenticity and courage, we can awaken to our true selves and connect with a higher consciousness that can lead to inner peace and fulfillment. With these insights and practices, you can wake up from the disillusionment of modern spirituality and find a true spiritual connection. Let's drop the ideas of quick fixes or proof that we are "better" or "more spiritual" than others, and instead embark on a genuine, lifelong journey of inner discovery.


    Part of us awakening to our true selves is understanding, recognizing, and utilizing our inner wisdom aka our intuition. I discuss 5 simple tips to connect to your inner wisdom, trust your intuition, and to tap into a foundational aspect of being a spiritual being having a human experience: energetic hygiene!


    Closing Thoughts…

    To pivot from disillusionment to true spiritual awakening, it is essential to shift away from external validation and prioritize one’s own internal growth. We must come to terms with the truth that being woke isn’t about being marketable or making a profit; instead, living our true selves requires humility and patience. To be fully awake is an act of relinquishing control and allowing life to fill us with unseen guidance and love. Awakening is not an illusion at its core but rather a conscious journey of understanding our relationship with the universe and embodying awakened states. Are you ready to take on the challenge? Heal your disillusionment with the spiritual awakening journey by downloading this free grounding meditation today and reconnecting back to your higher self. The sooner you start living authentically, the closer we all get to collectively seeing beyond illusions!

    free 5 minute grounding meditation for empaths, psychics, and sensitives

    Think about your own spiritual healing journey and take a look at each one of these signs to note how far you’ve come and all of the small (and large ways)

    Celebrate all of the effort + energy you’ve extended for yourself and others. 

    Proud of you,



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